STATGRAPHICS Online – Procedures

STATGRAPHICS Online currently contains the following selection of STATGRAPHICS procedures (with more on the way):
Plot Menu
- Scatterplots (X Plot, X-Y Plot, Multiple X-Y Plot, Bubble Chart, X-Y-Z Plot, Multiple X-Y-Z Plot, Matrix Plot)
- Numeric Data (Frequency Histogram, Box-and-Whisker Plot, Quantile Plot, Normal Probability Plot, Multiple Boxplot)
- Categorical Data (Frequency Table, Contingency Table)
- Probability Distributions (General Distributions, Sampling Distributions)
- U. S. Map
Describe Menu
- Summarize Data
- Numeric Data (One Variable Analysis, Multiple Variable Analysis, Distribution Fitting)
- Categorical Data (Frequency Tabulation, Crosstabulation)
Compare Menu
- Two Samples (Independent Samples, Paired Samples)
- Multiple Samples
- ANOVA (Oneway ANOVA, Multifactor ANOVA)
Relate Menu
- Simple Regression
- Multiple Regression
Forecast Menu
- Descriptive Time Series Methods
- Smoothing
- Seasonal Decomposition
- Forecasting (Automatic and Manual)
- Pareto Analysis
- Capability Analysis
- Control Charts for Variables (Individuals, Subgroups)
- Control Charts for Attributes (P and NP Charts, U Chart, C Chart)
- Weibull Analysis
- Six Sigma Indizes
- Scatterplot Brushing
- Scatterplot Smoothing
- X-Y-Z Scatterplot
- Curve Fitting
- Interactive Histogram
- Interactive Map
- Exponential Smoothing
- Probabilistic Fractal
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