Stata Evaluation copy

Evaluation copy

An evaluation license gives professional researchers the opportunity to explore all the features of
Stata while making purchasing decisions. Students needing to use Stata for a maximum of one week during a course may request a short term license for 7 days.


Please note. DPC Software can only provide Evaluation Copies for the following countries:
Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.


To request an evaluation license, please fill out the form below.

Information about evaluation licenses:

– We deliver evaluation licenses electronically. Each license will include download credentials.

– Evaluation licenses are typically issued for either 30 days / student 7 days.

– Multiple users within a single organization may use the same evaluation license. They may
install it on a network, a server, or on individual machines.

    Reason for evaluation request
    (please select all that apply)

    Considering upgrading to the newest version of Stata
    Considering Stata over another statistical software package Exploring the following Stata features:Bayesian AnalysisData managementEndogenous covar iates, selection, and treatmentExtended Regression ModelsFinite Mixture ModelsFunctionsGraphicsItem Resp onse TheoryLinearized DSGEsLongitudinal/Panel dataMultilevel mixed-effectsMultiple imputationMultivariate statisticsNonparametric regre ssion and statisticsPower and sample sizeSpatial Autoregressive ModelsStructural equation modeling (SEM)Survey dataSurvival ana lysis and epidemiological tablesTime seriesTreatment effects

    Evaluation copy request


    License information

    Additional questions or comments

    Please enter any comments or special instructions you may have regarding the request.

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